Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Motivation - by Phil Pringle


Quote - ' People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing; that's why we recommend it daily.' - Zig Ziglar

You're going to love this;

Getting motivated is essential.

From the inside, the outside, from wherever.

'Why sit we here till we die', say the four lepers in the Biblical record as they sit outside the besieged city of Samaria.

If we sit forever, we will sit till we die.

Being motivated is not just being inspired though.

Motivation goes to work.

If motivation doesn't result in action it is futile.

Embrace work as your best friend.

As you go to work the motivation increases.

Accept work as your life. Accept life as work.

Not obsessive work without rest; not activity without productivity, but work that is paced, purposeful and productive.

The dreams of a lazy man will kill him.

Renounce laziness; embrace industry. Go for it!

Do something!

Stepping out with you,

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