Thursday, May 31, 2007

who are you in church?

i was doing some demographic study about church population and came up with this rough estimate.

15% of christians are active
30% are devoted christians
50% are spectator christians
5% are not christians

where do you belong?

most of you reading this blog would choose that you are either active or devoted. how true is that? let us evaluate.

active christian
serving actively in the ministry alone doesn't make you an active christian. serving is not the yardstick to measure activity, because it can be driven by a variety of reasons such as duty, pride and un-relinquished momentum.

Rather, it is the work of the Lord; loving God, your neighbour and spreading the gospel to people around you by bearing witness and being a good testimony, that should truly be considered serving.

it is the work of the Lord we should be striving for, not the Lord's work. leave the Lord's work to the Lord; are we dwelling too much on the unnecessary and not praying enough?

So does that make you an active christian? loving God; loving, caring and impacting your neighbours; and actively spreading the word to your friends? or are you just merely doing the Lord's work in church.

if not;

devoted christian
A devoted christian comes to church only to "visit" the Lord. he/she does not necessarily serve in the ministry, or bothers too much about the people around them in terms of their physical, mental or spiritual livelihood.

the paradox is that a devoted christian should be evolved into an active one. the only restriction stopping him/her from doing so will be him/herself. a common excuse would be using the word "commitment". many people believe in God, but are not willing to do the work of the Lord.

even so, a devoted christian comes to God's courts. so at least this qualifies you to belong here if not in the active christian category right? wrong. =D

a devoted christian is defined to come to church punctually, because he/she is meeting a God he/she knows exists. i'm sure you don't come late for an appointment with your boss at work, so what quantifies you to come late for appointments with the big boss.

so does that make you a spectator christian?

what are we doing in church today? every christian should strive to become an active one, after developing from the devotion stage. if you're unable to justify your existence in church, it's time to work on it. be careful how we find excuses as a pretext for our existence in church; spend a short time in prayer and reflecting our existence together with God.

drop a comment and share on where you stand, and about some insights regarding this matter. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Umm...i have one question. what's the definition of "christian"?